Sunday, February 22, 2009

Of Running and Singing.

My last Merentas Desa commenced yesterday.
Strangely enough, the route seemed much shorter this year, despite it being the same torturous 3km every. Single. Time.

Maybe the music sped things up a little? (You see? Music actually HELPS. Claiming that it was 'distracting'... Nonsense.)
But my sister mentioned the same thing too. Hmm..

I'm happy to say I got at least a point for my house.
I got 64th in my class.

My fatty dad laughed at me for it.
Then he turns to my darling sister and congratulates HER on her 11th placing.
It's okay, though.
'Cause I know he wouldn't have done as much of a good job as I did any day.


The Leo Idol auditions were right after at 3.

Yes, dear followers, you read right.
I joined Leo Idol.
Just for the fun of it. I really didn't take it seriously.
Until that is, we were in the waiting room.

They made it sound so... SERIOUS.

"Not as harsh as American Idol"?
Utter rubbish.

Anyway, 41 auditioned.
I was the 38th.
Keilly, first.
Zi-Lynn, 39th.

The wait seemed like FOREVER.

It's pass 5 pm: the time we're supposed to finish.
But just when I thought the auditions couldn't get any longer...
It was my turn.

Cue adrenaline rush! I literally just bounced off my seat in a fright.
This wait, however, I wished would go on for forever...

The door bangs open.
I hold my breath, brace myself and stride in.

I can't really remember what happened, but I DO know I embarrassed myself TOTALLY in the beginning. I didn't know what I was saying, ugh...
My song choices were Shout to the Lord and Love Song by Sara Bareilles.
Alas, I had, quote judge, 'no volume'.
Not in a literal sense, of course.
If it were, I'd say he was blind. XD

Don't worry, folks.
I didn't get in.

But the most EMBARRASSING part was that I ran out of that room and FELL FLAT INTO THE DRAIN.
Gah. So TYPICAL of me!

Despite all that happened, I enjoyed the experience.
It's really like no other.
It felt good to try something out of my comfort zone for a change.


Alan Thoo said...